7 Manual Therapy Techniques Used in Physical Therapy

 Manual therapy is a type of physical therapy in which the therapist places targeted pressure on your bones and soft tissue in the effort to relieve tension, decrease pain, and mobilize the joints and muscles. In some cases, it can even help restore function in certain body parts after an injury. Some forms of manual therapy are applied with the therapist’s bare hands while others involve the use of instruments.

In this article, we’ll discuss some manual therapy techniques frequently used in physical therapy, along with their benefits.

1. Soft Tissue Mobilization: This technique involves applying pressure to soft tissues such as muscles, tendons, ligaments, and fascia to reduce tension, improve blood flow, and promote relaxation. Various methods, including massage, myofascial release, and trigger point therapy, can be used.

2. Joint Mobilization: Joint mobilization involves skilled passive movements of a joint at varying speeds and amplitudes to restore mobility, reduce pain, and improve joint function. It can be applied to various joints throughout the body, such as the spine, shoulder, knee, and ankle.

3. Manual Traction: Manual traction involves applying a pulling force to a joint or body segment to decompress spinal structures, reduce pressure on nerves, and alleviate pain. It is commonly used to treat conditions such as herniated discs and nerve impingement.

4. Muscle Energy Techniques (METs): METs involve active and passive muscle contractions combined with precise joint positioning and stretching to improve joint mobility, correct alignment, and restore muscle balance. METs are often used to address muscle imbalances, joint dysfunctions, and postural issues.

5. Strain-Counterstrain (SCS): SCS, also known as positional release therapy, is a gentle manual technique that involves placing the affected muscle or joint in a position of maximal comfort to reduce pain and muscle spasms. It works by resetting the proprioceptive reflexes and reducing muscle tension.

6. Manual Lymphatic Drainage (MLD): MLD is a specialized technique used to stimulate the lymphatic system, promote lymphatic fluid movement, and reduce swelling (edema). It involves gentle, rhythmic strokes applied to specific areas of the body to encourage lymph flow and drainage.

7. Neuromuscular Techniques (NMT): NMT focuses on identifying and addressing neuromuscular dysfunction through manual manipulation of soft tissues and nerve pathways. Techniques such as ischemic compression, nerve gliding, and proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation (PNF) are commonly used to improve muscle function, reduce pain, and restore normal movement patterns.

These manual therapy techniques are often used in combination with other physical therapy modalities, exercises, and interventions to optimize outcomes and facilitate the rehabilitation process. It’s essential for physical therapists to assess each patient’s condition carefully and select the most appropriate techniques based on individual needs and goals.

At PainReliefHomePhysio, we’re proudly bringing together physical therapy practices across the country to help people get the high-quality PT they need.

View Source: https://medium.com/@painreliefhomephysio/7-manual-therapy-techniques-used-in-physical-therapy-56f05b96f980


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